
3 months ago
For Wildwood Parents/ Students ONLY
( Please contact your school's attendance clerk if you are calling about another school, Thank you )
Brittany Smith
Attendance clerk
(909) 790-8521 extension # 5711
Fill out the google form here
If your child misses school for any reason, please call or
email the attendance clerk at
Absence reasons must be reported within 5 days or they will automatically be marked unexcused.
Note: not all absence reasons will be considered excused, even when they are reported within the 5 day window. If you choose to call or wish to speak to the attendance clerk, please call (909) 790-8521 and press 1 to leave a message for Mrs. Smith (ext. 5711). Thank you.
It is an absolute necessity that students attend school on a regular basis. Studies originating from a variety of sources indicate that there is a direct correlation between education and income. If your child's success in life is important to you, it is critical that he or she gets a good basic education. This can only occur if regular school attendance is maintained from Kindergarten through 12th grade (thirteen years of schooling). The following chart is an example of possible education days versus actual education days for students who are frequently absent, based on thirteen years of education with 180 days of instruction per year.
Students who miss 10% or more actually lose more than time. They lose out on skill development, practice, and standards mastery, which can impede their ability to pass the California High School Exit Exam. Students who regularly miss school, miss out on what other students in their classes are getting. They begin to feel that they will never catch up, so why should they try?
Regular attendance does not guarantee success, perfect scores, high grades, or a high school diploma, but it does give students the best possible chance. In this life, basic skills are offered "free" only once. The failure to take advantage of a free public education when it is available is very costly. Don't cheat you children or yourself. See to it that you get your money's worth the first time around. Promote education in your home and see to it that the leaders of tomorrow - your children - are the best this world has to offer. You are the first and most important teacher in your children's lives. Please teach them the value of learning.
Wildwood recognizes the challenge and hard work needed to achieve perfect attendance. There are many things that can cause a student to miss a day of school or to be late. We recognize students for perfect attendance in two ways. First, there are Perfect Attendance Awards earned by students who do not miss a day of school. Next, there are Extreme Perfect Attendance Awards earned by students who do not miss an instructional minute of school at any time. This means that a student is never late, never misses a day, and never leaves early. Both of these awards are significant achievements. Students are honored with Perfect Attendance Awards at our three trimester award ceremonies throughout the year and with Extreme Perfect Attendance at the end of the year. Thank you, parents and guardians (and students) for everything you do to promote perfect attendance.
Parent Volunteers
Classroom Visitors, Volunteers & Field Trips
All Classroom Visitors, Volunteers, and Field Trip Chaperones must adhere to the new safety measures put into place this school year as a part of the "Say Good-bye at the Gate" campaign. The office will need to clear all volunteers through our new Visitor Management System. Please have your California issued ID ready to scan.
If you need to drive your child to or from a field trip for any reason, you must complete the Alternative Transportation form, available in the office or from your child's teacher. This form must be completed and filed with the office at least 24 hours before the day of the field trip.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the changes mentioned above, please contact your site administrator or
Interdistrict/ Intradistrict Transfers
Intra-District Transfers / Inter-District Transfers
All students must register at their home school, even if they have an approved Intra-District Transfer. If you are unsure which school's boundary you reside in, please check the school boundary map by clicking the link the box indicated on this page.
Intra-District Transfer forms must be filed at the YCJUSD Office, 12797 3rd Street.
If you live outside the YCJUSD boundary and have been released from your home district, you must produce an approval letter from the YCJUSD to enroll. Board Policy and Administrative Regulations apply for all inter/intra district transfers.